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  • For the Responsible Adult
    First and foremost, you'll be able to see all of your important dates in one year at a glance spread; so, you can easily visualize the blocks you'll want to fit in while mapping out your months, weeks and days in the upcoming year. Next, you're provided the opportunity to use the exact expert financial trackers I created to free my family from the I make so much money and have nothing left by bedtime on payday except a mountain of payments trap that so many of you have confessed you know waaaay too much about. I'm talking like you will get to categorize your expenditures in such a way that it makes it very clear for you to see exactly how you load the bullets you keep aiming right at your the foundation of your get away sticks so that you can decide going forward if you want to continue pulling the trigger or choose to do something different. In the Managerial Magic section, you'll be able to track your monthly financial habits like an elite level professional professional responsible adult who wants to grow up to be thing of free human who knows exactly where their money flows so that they can do literally anything an unbonded person might choose to do during their limited timeline. The last super cool financial tool included in The Way Out Planner is the daily space to clearly see your earnings, spendings and balances so that you know in real time exactly where you are at. If you don't feel comfortable tracking this information in The Way Out Planner; and, my opinion or suggestion means anything to you, then I high suggest for you to track this specific information in a private online sheet until you are strong enough to transform your home into the kind of sanctuary that reflects the safety and sanctity of your sacred space.
  • For the Employable Adult
    Here's the thing - I've found myself present in a lot of recovery rooms and groups over the span of my timeline. I talking a lot a lot - like an elite level professional professional amount of a lot. The one through line in all of the halls and walls of ground level recovery rooms and groups I've presented in is this: You have been through something very difficult - so challenging in fact that many operators struggle to get back up and try again after they experience something similar. I can see that you possess the spirit of the kind of warrior willing to lay down the type of tracks which communicate to the audience that you are one of those unicorns willing to put in the fight to emerge and tell us all how you found The Way Out of the double hockey sticks we each have the ability to notice ourselves wallowing in. For this reason, I want to remind you that while surround by the rubble in ground zero, and you'll have days in the future that will pull your mind right back here to ground zero, it is imperative for someone like you with a powerful mind like yours to remember these 5 things: If you - 1 Get out bed 2 Brush your teeth 3 Take a shower 4 Put on clean clothes and 5 Stay out of your own way then you, my friend, will have already won for the whole entire day. Meaning that literally everything else you do that day including remembering to consume fuel and take the body bag out for some steps under the glory of Resurrected Sun is something called a bonus win. Since you could be the kind of person who thrives on getting the grade, the sticker or the dust collector that tells the world the label you prefer to have affixed to you, you might like to know that you can totally complete 4 of the 5 essential tasks within an hour of opening your peepers. That, my friend, means you can earn a B before breakfast which really means that if you can stay out of your own way most days, then you will get to walk around with the Honor Roll Honor Student label for as long as you are willing to put in the daily work required to both take care of yourself like you want to be the one taking care of you the way you deserve to be taken care of and tell yourself the truth about your habits. For this reason, I have included the space for you track the daily wins you can totally complete every cycle to satisfy that itch which has you needing to see the daily wins someone exactly like you is able to achieve after all of the double hockey sticks you've survived. You'll be able to give yourself the exact grade your tracks have earned each day so that you might show up more confident in your abilities to be a functional, employable adult who has what it takes to show up as an optimized member of the type of society in search of the kind leaders who model by example The Way Out. I see you and I got you : )
  • For the Professional Adult
    The tracking of daily wins, of course, leads us straight to my OCD's need to also track our bonus wins which are the weekly targets I consider the baseline tracks for staying out of your way. You can choose whatever makes the most sense to you when considering staying out of your own way. If you want to be free more than you want to find an early grave and you value my opinion, then I suggest picking simple things you can complete in a few minutes a day all by yourself all for yourself. It is important to remember that our autopilot was programmed by people who are not us meaning that it was engineered to lead us to exactly where someone else wanted us to go way back when they thought about the trajectory for the tiny human they decided to go ahead and invite to the party. This means, you'll have to put in the conscious effort to truly choose what you really want most. Depending on where you are at in your operational flow, your weekly targets could be things like flossing every day, running your joints through daily CARs or facing your inbox. I don't know what makes the most sense to you; and, I believe your Intrinsic Intelligence knows what will bring you closer to the mission you came here to fulfill. The other part of doing what you said you said you were going to do like a professional adult is showing up for your clan how you intended. This means that you will have the daily opportunity to plan for your most connected meal of the day and the space to create the shopping list you'll use to keep you on track with feeding your clan exactly what you prepared for as you connect while you still get to converse in their company. Remember - it's not just about setting the intention. It's about setting yourself up to succeed instead of trapping yourself to take another fall.
  • For the Professional Professional Adult
    I realize that these labels are new to most; so, I want to explain them how I learned them/ A professional professional is the type of person who usually earns a B or better as they are always aiming beyond the A. An elite level professional professional is the type of person who almost always earns an A or better as they are always aiming so far into the stratosphere they don't seem to realize that they are already flying long before they experience the soar they sought in the first place. A professional is the type of person whose results and outcomes communicate to those who know how to watch for the signs that they might believe in the idea of Cs getting degrees. An employee is the type of person willing to check the boxes in order to receive the payout associated with what they view as the least amount of personal risk. A dependent is the type of person searching for the payout provided to someone willing to take a fall in order to avoid putting in the work. To illustrate this, I'll share an example I was given. Let's say that you notice, we'll chose a leaky pipe for the purposes of this painting. You notice the leaky pipe and you are a professional professional. The next steps your mental maps might walk you through will have you addressing the leak by replacing the seal or section of pipe in question depending on how the problem presents. If you are an elite professional professional, your mental maps could walk you through replacing all the pipes from the each sink to the edge of your property line. The professional will find some way to temporarily seal the leak which sometimes looks like using duct tape. #iykyk The employee will do as told by the person providing the payout. The dependent will walk right past that problem hoping that someone else who gives a beaver will come along and fix it so that the dependent might avoid what they view as the trap of having to put in work for a living. I hope that makes sense; because, the parts I included to satisfy the professional professional in all of has us facing the truth to a whole new level each day. You will have the daily space to connect to your Self through truth telling, your Source through meditation and your Skyline by connecting to the moon to understand how that celestial body impacts the tides found within. I personally wanted this included to make it too easy to tell the truth about the level in my cup as I review each week. I also provided the monthly space for you to tell the truth about your mountain side as you prepare to address your upcoming ocean side. You're also provided with the opportunity to check in quarterly with your favorite VIP so that you might adjust your alignment as needed to keep you on the trajectory your Intrinsic Intelligence believes is right for you.
  • For the Elite Level Professional Professional Adult
    This is the proprietary secret sauce part of The Way Out Planner that has me all tingly inside! I was raised to map out my day and my routine according to the entrepreneur's poem as it was passed down to me through the oral traditions of my personal ancestors. It goes like this: Every elite level professional professional responsible adult & headlining 5 ring gold standard entrepreneur follows Life's Simple Rule by responding to the alarm set to greet Morning Archer prior to meditating in her majesty and moving on to managing their RESPONSIBILITIES so that they might handle BUSINESS first thing in the morning led by the hope & glory of Resurrected Sun by showing up for the OTHER PEOPLE they committed to as they seek opportunities for GROWTH while they work on their ENDURANCE before they PRESERVE the rack each night. It is my understanding that each person's RESPONSIBILITIES include maintaining their MACHINE, developing their SYSTEMS and sharpening their TOOLS. The MACHINE of course is the body bag you are currently zipped inside of, the SYSTEMS include whatever 5 ring gold standard automations you have set up to support your dumpster fire shicaca show & the TOOLS are whatever you need to get the job done right the first time in such a way that the word of mouth wildfire is engineered to be just the bat signal and exact calling card your tribe is subconsciously on the hunt for. That being said, I want you to know that I intentionally set up each day to provide you with the space you'll need if what you want most is to feel like the elite level professional professional responsible adult and headlining 5 ring gold standard entrepreneur that you and I both know you have the potential to publicly perform and privately present as. To make this too easy on us, I've included the exact horizon to dock process I use to bring every ship I need exactly where I intend so that I might continue to work smarter not harder as I deliberately push that boulder up the hill to the highest peak I can see in the skyline I was sent back by through The Flatline to purposely, skillfully and masterfully shape.
  • For the Dopamine Dependent Adult
    Let's be real with each other, ok? We all love that deluge of dopamine we experience when we reach the goal post before the dragon we chase moves it. Like we love it so much that we keep chasing that carrot even though the closest we'll ever get, if we are lucky, is to only see & smell it instead of savoring it. This makes our brains are super easy to hijack; which is why, I've set up The Way Out Planner to give you the authority you require to be the person in charge of your intentional hijacking. For this reason, I've included ways to both map the mission and check the boxes. Next to each horizon to dock page you'll find a bullet journal page plus more in the back. I personally prefer an undated planner; so to satisfy my dopamine, The Way Out Planner is undated. You've said your dopamine loves motivational quotes; so, I put in a few of my favorites just for you.
  • For the Purchasing Adult
    You are ordering a print on demand copy of The Way Out Planner. This means that I am not holding any physical copies that I can personally ship to which also means that the price I have to pay to offer The Way Out Planner to you is a little higher than it would be if I had a garage set up to ship to you. This also means that the wait time is a little longer than 2-3 A to Z deliveries some of us have come to rely on. The company I chose to partner with takes between 3-10 business days to print. I've asked & the answer is that it will depend on how many orders they have that day and week which totally makes sense to me. The shipping rates should show up on your check out page.
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